Saturday, August 21, 2010

Wedge of mahogany will support the forward end of
the floorboard.
A wee update:  Have been working on the engine beds and various other details.  The beds are taking shape and  are at the finishing stage.  The stbd one is being test fitted below.  The square of plywood bolted to the prop shaft was my primitive means of marking the shaft angle onto the beds.  Made up the wedge that supports the for'ard end of the floorboards - a simple little item but like many things in boats not as simple as it at first appears....some to-ing and fro-ing with straight edges and dividers was needed to get it right.  Tonight filled the holes left by Peter Murton's floors and engine bed bolts with timber.

I have also accidentally found a guy who can adapt the gearbox input shaft to the 100E - Victor at Transconverters said about $120, which is good enough for me, so I'll do some drawings and get the flywheel and shaft over to him on Monday.  Also bought a heat exchanger off a BMC Commander for $40.00, this should be more than adequate, and some taps and dies so that I can fabricate my own keel bolts soon.

Starboard engine bed trial fitting.
Had a very significant email from Jim Donald last weekend donating Jado's original tiller back to her!  It's a very unexpected and generous gift, especially in light of the fact that Jim has kept it as a memento since it was removed in the 70's.  Thank you, Jim, I hope I can do some justice to your faith.

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