Saturday, November 27, 2010

More Bits

Well, had some downtime in the lead up to and following the birth of our third boy, Reuben Ria Worsfold.  Still not really in a position to focus on Jado, but haven't neglected her totally.  On November 1st Jim and Gina stopped in to bestow on me Jado's original tiller (see earlier post for pics).  This is a lovely gesture of Jim's, as he  had retained this one souvenir of his family's launch since she was converted to wheel steering in the mid-70's.

Bought a pair of nice shiny new bronze fuel fillers, and a bronze intake strainer.  Also, having looked for kauri in any useful sizes for months, just bought 0.75 cube of the stuff at a bargain price.  Hope to be collecting in on Monday.  Will update soon....

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