Sunday, February 24, 2013

All Aboard...

Mission: get Jado off her frame and onto her trailer.  First, jack the stern up  bit by bit.  Can I trust the sawhorses?

Then raise the bow.  
Remove the frame she's been sitting on and wheel the trailer underneath.

Then I had to be creative to support the bow whilst getting the trailer in position.  Now to lower the nose onto chocks...

...and tie everything down.  Basically the only parts of the boat making contact with the trailer are on  the mudguards and stem, there's a lot of boat aft waving in the breeze, and I made sure to hook the trailer up to the car beforehand.  I think if it was undone the stern would descend with some force!  All up, about 3hrs work, but went smoothly and nothing got damaged.  Now I'll be happy when we get to Herbert's, it's not an ideal way to transport a boat.

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