Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Battening and striking waterline, using the paint-filled original as a guide.
   Trailered the inverted Jado up to Classic Boats in Kumeu first thing today, and she was unloaded and blocked up in Herbert's workshop by 9am.  A thankfully short but nerve-wracking drive, watching the 2x4 chocks on the mudguards in the wing mirrors.  First we reset the six engine bed bolts, as I had struggled with fitting those.  Improved the countersinks from both sides, added extra washers and caulked the heads.  Then we battened and struck the waterline using a pull saw.  Herbert begins repairs to the keel by replacing a broken forward piece and opening out some cracks with his Multimaster and a miniature router so that these can be glued.
Caulking going in around stem.
   Caulking begins with the garboard seams.  Any caulking wheeled in goes in quickly, but unfortunately the size and condition of the seams varies so we need several different irons plus the wheel to get it right, even over the length of one seam.  By the end of the afternoon I had done the garboards and three seams on the port topsides.  Such a luxury to both work in a workshop, and with an expert on hand - in fact, anyone on hand for some jobs.  Back tomorrow....

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