Saturday, April 10, 2010


She arrived on June 6, 2009. To my novice eye she looked every bit as good in the flesh as in photos, which was a pleasant surprise. The trailer wasn't legal as had been agreed, and there was the matter of the transom refastening to sort out before a final payment could be made to Peter Murton. I obtained two quotes for this, one of which was from Herbert Krumm-Gartner of Classic Boats NZ, conveniently located 10 minutes from my home in West Harbour. He was very impressed with Jado's form and build quality, and more than happy to offer advice and suggestions for all manner of things. Without his input the project could easily have become overwhelming... Together we made a basic plan of attack, and it also became apparent that some work done by Murton's Timbercraft would have to be corrected. The decision was also made to replace the teak deck, the original one, though complete, was riddled with extra holes, splits, cracks, and repairs.

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