Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Trailer Time

With Jado squirreled away in Herbert's shop for the next few weeks I had time to do some work on the trailer. This had been built new by Peter Murton, a good trailer I thought, until I realised that the axle hadn't been galvanised. So, off with the wheels, springs, hubs, and off to the dippers it went. Next I removed the timber runners and found - oh dear - all the bolt holes had been drilled post-galv, these needed a zinc touch-up. I painted the timber a pale grey, and figured the 200 x 50 walkway needed some anti skid coating. Off with the kids to Browns Bay to sieve some sand into a bucket, then home to sprinkle it over a wet coat of paint. Next day, brush it off and coat once more - done! The side bunks will have to be modified to support Jado's hull, but can't do that until she's back on the trailer, and that could be a while...

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