Monday, April 12, 2010

Work Begins

July 2009. Armed with fresh advice and inspiration from Herbert, the first order of the day was to refasten the nail-sick planks around the transom. As the plank ends were already full of nails Herbert suggested fitting a frame inside the transom so that the planks could be screwed a couple of inches further forward of the fragile edges. This involved first removing an ugly plywood panel epoxied inside the transom, which in turn involved removing the aft decking, which in turn involved replacing two deck frames which had split. Welcome to boat restoration! Still, finally by mid-August after many evenings huddled in the stern sanding and painting the whole area under the aft deck was done, and the planking nice and secure once again. The deck carlins also marked my introduction to boatbuilding joinery, luckily they were quite straightforward.

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