Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A visit from Jim and Gina

When Jado arrived in June she came with an envelope of black and white photos stashed under her floorboards. They had been sent to Peter Murton by Jim Donald, son of original owner A B Donald. Attempts to contact Jim had stalled - his email, physical address and phone number had all changed since he had been in touch with Peter. Finally after some detective work I managed to track down a current mobile number through a boatbuilder in Keri Keri who had done work for Jim. In fact Jim was by now living on his own yacht Tiare Taporo III in Whangerei with his partner Gina, and planning a circumnavigation!
To my intense relief he seemed very happy to hear that Jado was back in Auckland and the apple of someone's eye once again. On August 23rd he an Gina drove down early in the day for a visit and brought with them Jado's original tiller, and what a piece of work it is!

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