Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Wait

The essence of the work Peter was to do was replace a number of ribs, refasten planking around transom, fit remaining cross floors (these had already been made), fit engine beds, and "sundry repairs". Photo updates would be sent as work progressed and payments would be made accordingly. He had a new trailer that just needed galvanising, he could supply this with WOF/reg and ship the boat across the Cook Strait so that I could collect it in Wellington. Projected time frame was six weeks.
The six weeks passed and no photos or invoices came. Emails were unanswered. Finally word came was just about to start! Ah well, such is life and boatbuilding...
Finally in early June she was deemed ready for transport. A bonus - the un-galvanised trailer had been galvanised, and Peter had a friend who could tow her up to Auckland for me. A last minute check raised issues - the transom hadn't been done, and the foredeck king plank hadn't been repaired. This last item was done at the 11th hour, the transom was not. These photos were taken in Nelson as she was leaving Peter's workshop.

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